We as a business are committed to making positive, environmentally friendly changes to our operations and production methods.
Our products are handmade at the studio in the UK, with all staff being paid above living wage. We endeavour to create a happy and nurturing working environment, treating our staff with respect and appreciation. Any suppliers that we use are based within the UK and have responsible employment practises.
Where possible our materials are 100% recycled. The silver and gold that we use during our casting processes is now also from completely recycled metal. All scrap materials are saved, refined and reused. Meaning that no precious metal goes to waste.
Instead of holding lots of stock of each item, we are now working on a made to order basis. This allows us to only use what we need and encourages our customers to be mindful about their purchases.
Our gemstone suppliers are all committed to responsible sourcing of gems, ensuring that they are free from conflict and exploitation.
The packaging boxes that we currently use are recycled, recyclable and FSC certified. The mailing boxes are fully recyclable along with the tissue paper, stationary items and our ribbon is made from recycled marine plastic.